Writing the Story of How Humans Came to Live in Peace and Plenty (ID #001)
Date: 4/1/2008 to 4/7/2008 Duration: 1 week Host: David Braden Topic(s): 1
This is an invitation to help me tell the story of how humans came to live in peace and plenty. It starts with one community figuring out how to obtain all that they needed to thrive while healing their local environment. What does it mean to "thrive" as a community? Can we merge human and natural systems so that we live in healthy ecosystems rather than preserve them elsewhere? Can we recreate the garden of eden?
There are parameters to the story. It is about discovering what is missing in the "typical" community - what do we need so that people here can live a decent life? How do we make more places for more people to fit in? We can only supply what is missing by employing members of the community to realize unused human and biological potential that already exist in the community.
In the story everyone gets to make their own choices. The future is the cumulative result of all the choices each of us make - but we each choose based on what is best for us and our families. We cannot force what we think are better choices for the community - we can only create options that work better for the members of the community - otherwise they will not choose them.
In the story there is no one else to blame. Our community is the result of our choices and only we can choose to make it different.
And the story goes on with another community around the world hearing about what that first community did - and they improved how it was done. How to we make this a story with more and more people helping to write it?
And then more communities heard about it and tried their own methods - until everyone in the world had the opportunity to contribute value to the system and lived in a healthy diverse environment.
That is the story of How Humans Came to Live in Peace and Plenty.