Power of Story - An Introduction (ID #058)

Date: 6/25/2008 to 7/1/2008
Duration: 1 week
Host: Lucy Garrick
Topic(s): 1

Today we live in a world where “who we are” is much bigger and more inclusive than many of us have traditionally thought. The image that we now have of the earth from space, coupled with growing challenges that are global in scope, tell us that it is no longer sufficient to be identified only with our country, culture, or religion. Today we are called to identify with the whole planet, and all of life.

In this introductory conversation we look at the power of story, and how it shapes how we view the meaning and purpose of our lives. We also explore the idea that a new, more expansive story, rooted in the knowledge of our evolutionary journey, is necessary to help us find our way forward.

Topic 1: Creating a Global Culture of Peace
In this introductory conversation we look at the many ways we make sense of the term peace. The purpose of this conversation is to explore how we might redefine activism in the 21st century. In future sessions we'll share our experience and points of view. We'll explore perspectives on topics related to peace within, between and among us all.

  1. Introduce yourself to the other participants and share: Where did you develop the value you currently hold about peace? What draws you to this conversation.
  2. Brainstorm all the meanins you have for peace and list them.
  3. In the next two weeks find time (28 minutes) to view the video: "Stroke of Insight" featuring Jill Bolte Taylor, Harvard-trained brain scientist " to get a neuroscientific view of how we make meaning.
  4. What experiences have you had in which you became aware of the funcion of the right side of your brain?
  5. Describe what you see going on in your homes, workplaces and communities as it relates to perspectives on the topic of peace.
At some point you may want to look at the book, "Practicing Peace" by Catherine Whitmire. If you do, please share your thoughts.


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