Enlarging our interpretation of freedom and democracy to be more inclusive! (ID #001)

Date: 7/22/2008 to 7/28/2008
Duration: 1 week
Host: uday pasricha
Topic(s): 1

The world has rejected almost ALL forms of government and adopted Democracy as the preferred social syetm of civilization, there is perhaps the need to examine the adoption of the same charter that was written for a far smaller number by the founding fathers. We need to follow its spirit and intent and perhaps NOT its design for ALL of mankind, for all cultures and societies that are at "different stages" of development. Democracy needs to be implemented in stages. The results of democracy and "freedom" in the developed world where there is literacy and decadees of experience has seen "economics" become the principal driver/controller of democracy and hence there is greater development there is greater "inequality" and so democratic principles and the rights they confer seem to be are increasingly dependant on economic strength. Democracy does not seem to work to well when there is no economic opportunity and poor infrastructure and YET it is the global aspiration of billions.

Topic 1: How do diverse and disparate billions become equal if we focus on every individual,s rights?
While induvidual human rights stands at the core of democratic principles, we need to discuss the intent of this approach. The assumption of the founding fathers must have been to assume the trickle down effect where IF an individual is free then society would be free!! While that is an ideal hope it does not seem to happen because minority strength ( earlier muscle and now economic) is able to prevent the process of equalization. 

Though anyone suggesting any change to " the principles of human rights" is considered a heretic within democracy, the intention is to acknowledge the failures of experience and find better "implementation strategies" now that the entire world is adopting democracy but cannot seem to implement it in the same way and at the start. Since many participants may not be constitutional experts (including myself) it would be nice to have some legal participants along the way to help. The AIM is to try and develop a better implementation model that seeks to create milestones before the NEXT step. you may read old blog seen at www.nonlinearthinking.blogspot.com

The desire is to over simplify where there is maximum complexity and conflict.


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