Body Chemistry (ID #001)

Date: 2/23/2009 to 3/22/2009
Duration: 4 weeks
Host: Stimmed C
Topic(s): 4


Conversation regarding naturally released chemicals and their effect on the body.

Hey folks :-) this is my first time here, so here goes getting it right and understandable, as im told my spelling and syntax are "pants!"

Ever felt excited about hearing good news?

Ever felt smashed to peices after hearing bad news?

Two simple examples of what i would like to duscuss with you good people.

The reason for this is i have given quite some thought to things like, so called entertainment, correctional institutions and a few other random things like lotteries to bereavement cards. All these have an effect on our senses, paticularly sight, sound and touch. Depending on the nature of food to the senses will depend the chemicals and levels released into the body.

I find it very difficult to see another point of view other than my own in that, for example, a game show on TV when a person is set up for a "yes or no" to tell them they have gone through to the next round, is a BAD idea when it comes to them getting a "no" Altenatively a "yes" could also have a negative affect. My view is this... For the yes, obviously is what people like to hear related to a great many aspects. However it is my understanding that the good feelings that result are connected with "adrenalin", a some what positive chemical. Can this be over done by the way a person takes their news to release an unhealthy level into their body? The flip side news has the same question.

To my knowledge that isnt that vast, im aware that adrenalin increases heart rate and BP, so to me, in the name of entertainment, is not a good thing. I think of this as a weak effort to entertain, much like movies with a plot related to murder or some other kind of suffering. I understand that the world is filled with many people of different tastes and requirments, but as we are supposed to be living in a new age regarding health, greener this and that, caring helping and all the other stuff you hear about including preservation, shouldnt the effect of our body chemistry come into it?

I realise that $ plays perhaps the biggest part in things such as ive mentioned, but does that in itself also create chemical concerns in people?

If it were a fact that these chem's had a harmful effect in the long or short term of a person health, then shouldnt it be, lets say against the law to harm in that way?

So... as a person receives great news and feels over the moon with knowing they made it to the next round, is it not harful to them to place a doubt in their mind, as the person placing the doubt knows fully how much it means to the contestant that they win, and how much they understand it will break their spirit to loose. The latter i think can have a very bad outcome, because they may become depressed to what ever degree. Depression i once read was refered to as a desease of the mind, which is not at all good. For the possibility of breaking someones spirit in a "game" to entertain millions of people sounds ridiculous, to me at least.

Topic 1: TV game shows (week 1)
Contestants competing for a final and it means almost everthing to them that they win.

Topic 2: Sympathy (week 2)
Does it do any good, and is it honest?

Topic 3: Jails (week 3)
The way they are run so as to keep its poulation in line.

Topic 4: The 5 senses (week 4)
Which is more likely to have the body in danger?


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