How We Will Rejuevenate and Transform Our Planet, Save Our Mother Earth (ID #001)
Date: 12/21/2008 to 12/27/2008
Duration: 1 week
Host: Harry Williams
Topic(s): 1
What you are about to read may seem completely radical in conceptualization. Yet if only it allows one person to beleive that dreams can become a reality I know then that 2 people beleiving that we, in the concoiusness of our spiritual masters, can actually create Heaven on Earth!
I lived in a mining town in Australia for most of my youth. I observed from a spiritual perspective what mining does to the psyche of human kind. This in fact, is, in any industry that rapes the planet of its natural resources on a mammoth scale. Big industry, big greed, big bad behaviour in general. My questions on leaving the town was what are we doing to our planet and what will we leave for our generations to come. On my spirtual journey i have read many and absorbed enough spritiual/religious/eoseteric and paranormal writings to come to a few base conclusions. These Are:
A. We are eternal beings
B: We are born into a very strong illusionary world of existance (ie what we know to be good and true and what actually happens and are told has happened are all different)
C: Eternal life is cyclic (it just depend what circuits you become aware of during this earthly existance)
D: We do not die just change form (concious energy)
E: We have the ability to create our own world (look around and see someone elses dreams ie. the computer, the internet, a lightbulb a toothbrush, a farm, etc....)
F: The Ancient Civilization left us some encrypted clues (we are cyclic as beings)
G: Its up to us to save the planet
How? Here comes the radical concept. Construct nanoscopic flutes (pipes) that utlilize the energy of wind. These pipes when formed in a scared geometric array (ie Trianges) form superstructure and actually blow up and down like a bioorganic blowup castle. it is important where they are placed. The foundation stones of the acnient temple sites all over earth were built God knows how long ago, but these are the sites where we install these apparatusses. This in turn encapsulates the energy of earth in a concentrated form. The units actually breath mist into the atmosphere. The mist goes up into the stratospheric layers above earth it was before the great flood and we return to a harmoic balance and temperate climate all over earth (No Polar caps). we no longer will have vast oceans and the Altantises will be emerging as the balance of water disperses from the earth to the correct layer in our atmosphere. We will recreate the blue dome or womb in the sky. Gaia Earth! This is where it gets even stranger! Because we have mastered the ballancing of our global environment we have also figured out how to create orgainc materials and we put everything back. Everything flourishes and we just party and love life! Some of us will be privilledged enough to leave our planet from the portals within the temples and visit our eternal relations on other worlds. This will happen only for a time until the next seed from a dead planet (Meteors) pierces our womb and starts the cycle of life and death on the world all over again.
We have atimeframe for perfection on Earth and it starts now. Every tribe and dialect has their own stories, songs and art or myths that all have a peice in the restoration of the temples or the way society should truly live. This converstaion would embrace peoples ideas opinions and understandings of anything that would accelerate awareness of working towards rebuilding our planet.
I welcome any comments
Topic 1: Lets Get To Work and Save Our Planet (week 1)
Its up to us to do something about change
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