Social monogamy as the free choice of creating life in the highest species yet to evolve. (ID #001)

Date: 4/10/2009 to 5/7/2009
Duration: 4 weeks
Host: Anthony Grindel
Topic(s): 4

Discussion welcome on how sexual intercourse as a function of reproduction, can be assessed in a new light.  If our world is a result of what we have made it, polygamy has not worked.

Topic 1: Can sexual behavior be at the heart of the mind-shift
Many have contributed beautifully to forward thought, but few dare to touch at the core of human existence.

Topic 2: Is the example for our behavior found in all nature?
We have lived too long on the way of man.

Topic 3: Is our evolution now dependent on us?
Natural selection and instinct have done their work, now one species exist capable of choice.

Topic 4: Can all human problems be traced to our inability to evolve forward?
Could not hunger, poverty, global warming, elimination of species and resources, social conflict, economic disparity, natural disaster and all else be eliminated by our ability to evolve forward.


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