Our Common Journey (ID #010)
Date: 2/25/2009 to 3/10/2009
Duration: 2 weeks
Host: Dave Bradley
Topic(s): 2
We humans are highly diverse. But we are also intimately connected. We are one species; we are all part of, and dependent upon, one Earth; and we are all products of the same awesome and magnificent evolutionary journey.
In this conversation, we retrace our common journey -- from the initial “flaring forth” of the universe up to our present moment -- and explore what it tells us about who we are as humans, and how we can work together to help build global community.
Our lead "storytellers" for this conversation are....
- Brian Swimme, astrophysicist and mathematical cosmologist, who tells the story of our cosmic journey, skillfully combining the findings of modern science with timeless wisdom.
- Duane Elgin, noted futurist, author, speaker, educator, who tells the story of our collective human journey, using a framework found at the heart of nearly every culture since the dawn of humanity.
Topic 1: Our Human Journey (week 1)
Intertwined with our cosmic story is our collective human story. This week we look at our human story as a journey of increasing consciousness through time, and explore what the next step in human evolution might be.
- View the videos, "Who am I, Life to Human " and "The Human Journey .” You may also wish to view “Is Humanity Growing up? ”
- Share your thoughts and impressions. Where do you think we humans are headed? What might be the next step(s) in our evolutionary journey?
- Take time toward the end of the week to share what stood out for you during our time together. You may also want to express appreciation for others in the group.
Topic 2: Our Cosmic Journey (week 2)
The proposition of this conversation is that to build a better world, we need a deeper understanding of our collective journey – what does it tell us about who we are as a humanity, where we have come from, and where we are headed?
We start with an exploration of our cosmic journey – from the “big bang” to the emergence of life on earth.
- Introduce yourself to the other participants and share what draws you to this conversation.
- View the videos: "Who am I – Birth to Earth " and "Who am I – Earth to life ."
- Share your thoughts and impressions. How does it impact/change your perception of who you are?
- As an option, view the video, “Model of Change ” and share your thoughts. What is its relevance, if any, to this conversation?