Peace Education in K12 Public Education: What is it? How does it affect learning? Whose responsibility is it? (ID #001)
Date: 4/12/2009 to 5/2/2009
Duration: 3 weeks
Host: Larry Adamson
Topic(s): 3
An overarching question for the discussion would be what type of education promotes ” talking about what really matters, learning to truly listen and respecting differences.” These skills are crucial if we humans are to learn how to work together.” The conversation will focus on five aims taken from UNESCO and the United Nations Framework and Rationale for Peace Education. The information and opinions developed in this conversation will be used as part of a teacher education class being taught this summer.
Topic 1: Peace Education in K12 Public Education: What is it? How does it affect learning? Whose responsibility is it? (week 1)
As citizens of the United States reflect on the results of the No Child Left Behind movement and the push for academic standards, how does Peace Education fit into this picture? Participations in this conversation will focus on five aims taken from UNESCO and the United Nations Framework and Rationale for Peace Education.
• Leadership and Global Citizenship
• Critical Thinking and Active Non-Violence
• Social Justice and Civic Responsibility
• Tolerance and Respect for Dignity and Identity
• Ecological Thinking and Respect for Life
How do these aims either support or distract from traditional academic education? Is there a difference in the way these aims are supported in public as opposed to private education? Participants are asked to contribute perspectives based on their personal educational experiences. They are also asked to describe how these issues are addressed in public education offered in their own countries.
Topic 2: Week 2: Brainstorming ideas to include in a final document. (week 2)
This week will be spent building on ideas that were put on the table during our first week of conversation. We will use this material in the third week to prepare a document that reflects the groups efforts during the three week conversation.
Topic 3: Week 3: The Final Document (week 3)
During this week we will pull together a document describing the outcome of our conversation and the implications for implementing the ideas that were presented.