I'm Awake...Now what? Consciousness practice in everyday life (ID #001)
Date: 8/31/2009 to 9/6/2009
Duration: 1 week
Host: Carolyn Mycue
Topic(s): 1
Shifting from "past conditioning" to "presence awareness" can lead to a lot of internal struggle. There are difficult choices to make regarding where and how to live. But being "aware" doesn't mean you need to abandon everything you have worked for. And it certainly doesn't mean you need to assume a sterotypical lifestyle of how you believe an enlightened person lives. In fact, doing so could be just perpetuating another illusion. Integrating this new consciousness into "everyday life" as an essential component to aid, energize, and accelerate profound global transformation.
In my own experience of awakening, every resource I went to was telling me how to shift my awareness, but I couldn't find one to explain what I was supposed to do once the shift happened. I had to make it up as I went along through trial and error, and I learned so much in the process about surrender, compassion, responsibility, etc.
One thing I noticed in my journey is that many individuals approach this transformation by telling life what they want from it, or for it, without taking into consideration what life wants for them. I've found that allowing these drives to happen organically is a key to connecting us to our source of power. In this way, we draw upon our inspirations to guide our actions and interactions in service to life and we come away from every task energized instead of exhausted.
In this conversation, let's share and explore our different tips and practices of putting the tools for enlightenment to use in everyday life. Sharing what we've learned about cultivating an environment that's ripe for Life's purpose to unfold is a great way to serve life and at the same time deepen our own practice.
Topic 1: Being Lived (week 1)
Cues to Awaken; Presence; Surrender; Gratitude; Observing the Unobserved; Joy of Doing