Date: 11/7/2009 to 11/13/2009
Duration: 1 week
Host: Brian King
Topic(s): 1


Art is an expression of freedom, who but the artist has control of the finished project, and how can an artist express restrained.

An open mind can see that all of the great art is like nothing ever before. The lessons that can be learned from such inspirations is not constrain inside what is accepted, rather complete faith in ones own self. The freedom to create what no one may ever see, hear, taste, touch, feel, or experience and care only that it be created.

The closed mind tries to copy what is accepted so much, copies are all that are accepted.

Art is in every one and everything, it is the burning desire for freedom.

Find faith in self and take responsibility for ones own decisions.

Great artists in the past would have used a computer to create if they could.

Mozart to Dali, not because it is what is accepted, because they could.

Stay True Or Be Forgotten.

Topic 1: Art from the Underground (week 1)

Reviews and discussions about all art;

Main focus on U.R.U. art and blogs.


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