To be exactly as you are - and acting for something larger than you... (ID #001)
Date: 12/7/2009 to 1/3/2010
Duration: 4 weeks
Host: Benny Faibish
Topic(s): 2
One of the main things each of us wants is the ability and possibility to be real with ourselves, accept and love ourselves exactly as we are: without pretending to be someone else, without thinking there is something wrong with us or needs to be fixed, without trying constantly to change our faults etc. If we can allow that and express it for the benefit of others (people, environment etc) amazing things could happen. The question is – how can we create an environment in which people can be exactly as they are and express it from a broader perspective other than their own egoistic matters? What actions can be can be done in order to point to that change of focus - acting from a broader perspective instead of a personal benefit? Which aspects can be taken into account?
Topic 1: how can people be exactly as they are and express it from a broader perspective other than their own egoistic matters?
The term "expressing oneself" does not reffer to things like "American Idol" or presenting in an art gallery - these forms of expressions are well common and doesn't require further ellaboration. The meaning here goes to an expression that is not self focused, self indulged - I'm expressing my self, but not in order to show all the world how special or better I am, but to add my contribution to a broader perspective, that includes others.
how can we move from this:
To this:
Topic 2: What aspects and actions can be taken into account?