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A World Without Religion (ID #001)
Date (duration): 12/24/2008 to 6/23/2009 (26 weeks)
Host: Jason Graves

Description: So how can a change so seemingly impossible become reality?  Is it even possible for people to let go of the ideas and beliefs that are seen in almost every facet of our modern life?  Yes, and it begins with you.  You don't have to go out and post bills, or spread the word from person to person.  Start with yourself, accept yourself and your role in this, understand that you want peace for all people, that you want a future where we all stand together, that you are willing to accept your place in this world without the need to believe in a separatist religion, that you are ready to evolve.  Once you have decided to make the change within yourself, then the change has already begun.  It is soley up to you if you wish spread your ideas of life and to see how others feel.  However, it is also important to note that these ideas should not be forced upon others.  Once expressed, it is up those listening to decide if they have evolved beyond the confines of religious belief.