Site User's Guide

Be sure to view the site using a high-speed internet connection (e.g., DSL, cable modem, T1) in order to enjoy the website’s rich media content. We also require using Macromedia Flash 8 Player and above for optimal viewing of our multimedia content.

Viewing the Website
Printing Documents from the Website

Viewing the Website

We want you to have the best experience possible when you visit our website. For Macintosh users, the site is optimized for OSX 10.4 (Tiger) and the Safari browser.

View our site with the latest Internet browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x
- Netscape 7.x
- Firefox
- Safari

Ensure that both cookies and Java/JavaScript are enabled. The latest versions of internet browsers come with Java/JavaScript already enabled.

Set the resolution on your monitor to at least 800x600 to ensure you can view the full width of our website in your browser window. Also set your monitor to view our site with at least 256 colors.

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Printing Documents from the Website

PDF Documents:
There are a number of documents on our website that are saved as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents so that you can download and view them with all their formatting and graphics intact. All you need to view these documents is the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is quick to download and will come in handy on a number of other websites you visit as well.

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To enhance your visits to our website, we utilize the following plug-ins which you can download FREE of charge.

Adobe Acrobat formats printed material for viewing on your computer monitor and allows you to print documents.

Flash version 9 is a plug-in from Macromedia that lets you experience content on the web by means of animation and sound.

QuickTime Player is an application for playing QuickTime movies and QuickTime Streaming Media. Works with the QuickTime plug-in which allows users to watch QuickTime media inside a web page.

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