Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you guys?
What's your agenda?
Who's backing you? Where do you get your money?

Who are you guys?

First off, we're a non-profit (501-c-3), public benefit foundation.

We have one full-time volunteer, Kern Beare, who is our Executive Director. Part-time volunteers are Sharon King, our Welcome Ambassador who greets each new member and helps produce our monthly newsletters, and Bill Wall, our CFO, who donates his considerable talents to keep us financially on track, not to mention highly amused with his jokes.

We are also fortunate to be partnering with some outstanding businesses, like BoldFocus, who created and manages our website, and Righthand Communications, who created and handles our advertising. They are both GREAT people to work with.

If you'd like to find out how you can help, please send us an email.

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What's your agenda?

We want to help make the world a better place for our children, and for your children too. That's about it. We are motivated by a deep love and appreciation for life and its many mysteries, and would like to see the human species fulfill its tremendous promise.

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Who's backing you? Where do you get your money?

Global MindShift began as a project of the Foundation for Global Community.

We became a separate non-profit (501-c-3) foundation in late 2005, and now rely on contributions from people like you! If you would like to support this effort, please go to our contribute page.

Have other questions? Just ask.

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