Become Responsible
Short Video Video
United States
Global MindShift/Roberto Miller (Editor: Steve Kotton)
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Date Submitted
10/3/2006 1:55:06 PM
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Become Responsible

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  • Chinese Transcript (pdf)



    To respond to the conditions of life is one of the fundamental capacities of the universe, Swimme tells us. To be human means we have a deep capacity to care and act responsibly about the future. As the dynamics of life on the planet change, from the genetically determined to the cultural, our decisions have the power to alter life on the planet. The most responsible decision we can make will be one that maintains the conditions of life and makes the earth blossom for millions of more years.

    Additional Info
    Brian Swimme, Ph.D., is a mathematical cosmologist on the graduate faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He is the author of The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos (Orbis, 1996), The Universe is a Green Dragon (Bear and Company, 1984) and The Universe Story (Harper, 1992). Brian's media work includes the acclaimed video series, Canticle to the Cosmos, The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, and The Earth's Imagination. He has presented at conferences sponsored by The World Bank, UNESCO, The United Nations, and the American Natural History Museum, among others. Swimme's works have been translated into eight different languages and enjoyed worldwide. He resides in northern California.

    Interest Categories
    Education, Environment/Natural Resources, Marriage/Parenting, Poverty, Science/Technology, Sustainability, Women's Issues

    Responsible, responsive, evolution, universe story