Bob for Obama
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Date Submitted
10/16/2007 12:48:26 PM
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Bob for Obama

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It seems that no matter HOW enlightened one persom becomes, the real problem is in creating and designing systems of enlightenment. Politics seem to stick to the patterns of old habits and ways of doing things, insane or not. The recipe blog for changing is simple and easy. If the politicians would all take one step in the right direction everything would unfold perfectly. So if each and every politician would just get to the center of the heart of reality and step in ANY enlightened system would manifest easy, effortlessly, and joyously. Politics is so easy. Whats the big fuss. Wake up everybody, just take that first step from the heart of reality outward, the journey is a blast.

Alternate Names
Robert Allan Schueler

Interest Categories
Global Community Building, Governance

happy hands, happy feet, happy heart