(Love grows) In the Garden
Music music
United Kingdom
Kavi Jezzie Hockaday
- English
Date Submitted
4/8/2008 3:11:34 AM
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(Love grows) In the Garden

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This a video of Kavi Jezzie Hockaday playing the last track from the album
'Unconditional Love'.  Called 'In the Garden', it is a song of hope, a song of healing, and a song of longing for the Aquarian dream of a better world.

The abum is available from New Earth Records. It is a beautiful CD that fills wraps itself around the listener and bathes them in warmth and love, in relaxation and beauty. It is not so much a listening experience, more an atmosphere that one can dwell in for a while..

Recorded by Kavi Jezzie Hockaday, who lives in United Kingdom with his partner Amoda Maa Jeevan. She has just had her second book published called 'How to find God in Everything', available on Amazon.com.
      As well as being a musician/producer in his own right, Kavi has recently established the 'Unconditional Peace Movement' (UPM). Bringing together a pool of international musicians, this movement joins the wave of awakening consciousness throughout the globe that is speaking with the same voice. And this voice is saying
'Peace begins with me'.
There is a CD in the planning, and the campaign for inner and outer peace is already getting some interest.

Please check out the video. Check out the links to the various websites. Feel free. Be happy!
Make peace with yourself!



Alternate Names
Unconditional Peace Movement

Interest Categories
Peace/Conflict Resolution, Spirituality/Personal Dev

Transformational music, healing, new age