The Human Journey
Short Video Video
United States
Duane Elgin/Global MindShift, Ursa Minor Arts and Media
- English
Date Submitted
10/17/2006 12:00:50 PM
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The Human Journey

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    Duane Elgin takes a look at human evolution through the lens of The Hero's Journey.

    Additional Info
    Duane Elgin is a noted futurist, author, speaker, educator, consultant and media activist. His works include “Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity's Future” (HarperCollins), “Awakening Earth” (William Morrow), and “Voluntary Simplicity” (HarperCollins). He is the co-author, with Joseph Campbell and others, of “Changing Images of Man” (Pergamon), and the primary author of report, “Global Consciousness Change: Indicators of an Emerging Paradigm.”

    Duane served as a senior staff member of the Presidential Commission on the American Future and as a senior social scientist with SRI International where he co-authored numerous studies on the long-range future for clients such as the National Science Foundation and the President’s Science Advisor. He has co-founded three non-profit organization concerned with media accountability and citizen empowerment. Duane holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School, an M.A. in economic history from the University of Pennsylvania, and an honorary Ph.D. for work in "ecological and spiritual transformation" from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA.

    Interest Categories
    Education, Environment/Natural Resources

    Human, journey, evolution, hero's journey, conscious evolution