The Human Journey
Short Video Video
United States
Duane Elgin/Global MindShift, Ursa Minor Arts and Media
Date Submitted
10/17/2006 12:00:50 PM
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The Human Journey

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    Camilo Echeverri (2/17/2009 10:18:00 AM)

    I truly feel this video describes our development as a species and what we can do to make this world a better place and become one with it again. 

    Torsten P (8/20/2008 1:00:23 PM)


    Madalaimuthu Anthony (8/13/2008 6:01:31 AM)


    Clinton Woods (6/22/2008 8:18:05 AM)

    Mankind from the beginning of time, and through all the passages of time to where we are all here today have always been interested in the mind boggling questions of where do we come from? Why and how can things be the way they are? What is the purpose for us humans to be here on a planet that is similar to the garden of Eden compared to the planets that revolve around us. As a time keeper I must tell you that beginning of time is the moment in time where mankind wanted to keep a record about himself and what is happening around him. If you the product of your mother and father can you trace your family tree back in time, you will realize that you know your mother and fathers personalities, you will also know your grand mother and grand fathers personalities, in other words how far can you go back into time before reality it self becomes blurred. For mankind to move into the future of time he has to know where he comes from and where he is going, to move into the future of time one must accept that life is life and death is death and through your own children mankind will move into the future of time. Now I can not explain what I want to say in this short little note but I will take a passage from the old writings man wrote in time gone by where he said to the people under him, God said "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals" This my friends has been accomplished we need a new strategy to move into the future of time, in time to come I will write a book explaining a plan for mankind. visit this site that needs to be worked on 

    Cecilia Vicentini (2/23/2008 6:29:45 PM)

    Science and spirituality definitely go together. To say that we, as human, are an extension of the original light is magic. As a Venezuelian I find it quite inspiring. The presentation confirmed some years of search about complex science and the concept of self organizing dynamics, not only in the universe but in human life as it presents itseld to us. Since we have so many lineages of eyes to se ourselves and the universe, this presentation allows for multicultural interpretations, not only western ones. All early human life and actual life have been fascinated with existence. We are no longer prisoners of mere rationality but can, through language -and conversations- share experiences of counsciousness. (Sorry for my spelling, not a native english speaking person) Cecilia Vicentini 

    patty ching (11/3/2007 10:47:03 AM)


    Michael Holdcroft (10/17/2007 1:35:36 AM)

    An excellent overview of the journey of mankind to the present. I say mankind, because regardless of colour, race or culture, we all are a part of human evolution. If you looking for a deeper explanation of how we evolved to be where we are today, I recommend "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" by Jared Diamond. 

    Jason S (10/7/2007 9:39:21 PM)

    Very interesting idea that the world is in a continual state of change leading us back to our original selves. It's almost as if society influences us in such a way that our journey through life leads us back to nature. 

    Lori Ventura (4/28/2007 5:16:46 PM)

    Very pedantic presentation and clearly through a Western lens. I found this presentation flawed in a similar fashion that Rui Pereira below does. Essentially, we can only truly understand things from our own experience and everything from other cultures just assists us in understanding ourselves, not about others. Yes we are global but culture does not = global... It is essential that each culture be respected and be in the position to determine their future and define their histories. I found this piece to be disturbingly western in concept. 

    Bridget Hanley (4/20/2007 8:42:31 PM)


    Ian Glenn (4/14/2007 8:21:29 AM)

    Definitely a very detailed, quality look at the evolution and progress of culture and society. 

    Rui Pereira (4/14/2007 8:19:04 AM)

    In a world rampantly giving out the chance for people to explore their own way of living, believing, seeing the world, I wonder how is is going to be possible in a very near future to talk among each ourselves about what the journey is about. Who are you to say what is next for ourselves? And why what you say is understood the same way as other people? Do you have a gift to talk to all the people in their own different ways of seeing the world? There is a flaw in here. And I hope you can understand what flaw means. 

    Sandra Lockhart (3/24/2007 6:58:38 PM)

    link does not work for me 

    Dale Dickins (1/13/2007 11:54:25 PM)

    WOW that explains how I've been feeling since being on my journey of separation... like I'm coming into adulthood, clear enough to contribute to the world without throwing teenage tantrums. 

    Janos Abel (1/7/2007 3:53:11 PM)

    Great overview of the human story. I would love to explore the meaning of the challenge facing the species on the threshold of the twenty first century. A little known problem is the relationship between the group and the individual. The group/society still seeks to control the individual in a very fundamental way. That way consists essentially of making the individual work for the very right to lie. The struggle to make a living is enforced by the dogma that income, however meager, must be earned through being employed. This has been called "economic conscription". A quantum leap in social evolution will be engineered when the struggle of "making a living" is replaced by a universal, unconditional subsistence income given to every woman, man, and child. This will amount to the practical empowerment of the latent creative spirit within every human being. 

    Michael Keehan (12/30/2006 12:37:40 PM)