Sense of Self
Short Video Video
United States
Global MindShift/Kenji Williams
- English
Date Submitted
11/13/2006 1:58:12 PM
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Sense of Self

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    If our interconnected universe is continually expanding, shouldn't our identity do the same? In this short, entertaining video, we look at the dynamics that promote and inhibit our expanding sense of self.

    Additional Info

    Kenji Williams is an award winning filmmaker, electronic music producer, theatrical show director, and classically trained violinist. Combining unique skills in film and music, Williams has earned international film awards from the CSC to Sundance. He is the composer and producer of 6 music albums, director of 15 films and music videos, 3 feature length projects, and 2 multimedia theatrical live shows. Williams is internationally respected for pushing the boundaries of audio visual art and performance.

    Dan Dippery, who kindly donated his great voice talent, is a former senior advertising executive at BBD&O in San Francisco. Some of you may recognize his voice from a famous Chevron commercial from the 1980s that he wrote encouraging energy conservation.

    Interest Categories
    Education, Energy, Environment/Natural Resources, Spirituality/Personal Dev, Sustainability

    evolution, self, identity, consciousness, conscious evolution, enemy, projection