Sense of Self
Short Video Video
United States
Global MindShift/Kenji Williams
Date Submitted
11/13/2006 1:58:12 PM
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Sense of Self

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    Janie L (10/8/2009 6:14:54 PM)

    wonderful, funny, insightful and right on! 

    judy bajus-davis (3/2/2009 8:31:27 AM)

    A beautiful way to explain something simple yet very important. Children should be exposed to this as well! Interconnectedness, the web of life, can not be ignored as is essential to utilize! Thank you for your contribution! 

    Ramon Alviso Mendoza (2/27/2009 9:07:04 AM)

    Wonderful, Meaningful and more importantly...authentic and informative ;o) 

    Tim Marshall (1/30/2009 11:40:39 AM)

    Great video! 

    Carol Lee Smith (9/14/2008 8:57:12 PM)

    Nicely done, clear. 

    Cat Holzinger (8/16/2008 11:27:09 AM)

    I liked it, what a wonderful video for kids / teens. It's fun and the message is clear. 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 4:12:54 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. Here! 

    hong lu (7/31/2008 10:40:58 PM)

    good, really good! we can make a difference. 

    Shade Law RScP Founder of X~Ray Your Soul~1 (5/1/2008 10:19:06 AM)

    Loved the Vid. Outstanding visual and content! Thank You for being YOU! 

    Harry Mishkin (3/23/2008 10:50:08 AM)

    I say "bingo!" in that this video touches upon my own developing belief: That which we call 'self' is a product of the current state of evolution of our brains in the context of billion of other entities with brains at more of less the same state of evolution. While the neural circuits that produce a sense of self* were critical for survival of the species in its earlier stages, they now provide the basis for its demise. I believe we're arriving at the stage in which we can choose to actively participate in our own evolution. Maybe it's naive, delusional, or just fuzzy thinking on my part, but I find this perspective the only antidote to the perspective that this species is just too stupid (driven by self-interest and/or no interest) to survive. * I use 'sense of self' to connote stages of self-awareness in line with (e.g.) (a) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (b) The chakra system as well as our actual special experience in pre-historic times. (cf. (also) Robert Ornstein "The Evolution of Consciousness")  

    Arthur Calbo (3/17/2008 2:30:46 PM)

    On the right track here. Love its simplicity. Dont agree with everything thoough. Pacman rules! 

    Douglas Rosestone (3/5/2008 12:49:07 PM)

    While this clip is well done and fun it is wrong. The problem with ourselves hence the world is that we believe that we are our social identity. The identity memes of nation, ethnicity, religion etc, are the cause of war not some future solution. It is by dis-identification that we become human not by being better at what separates us. Our true identities lie in the archetypal realm. 

    Deborah Dols (1/23/2008 5:57:05 PM)


    Eric Constantin (12/15/2007 8:10:55 AM)


    Linda Patterson (12/8/2007 12:23:09 PM)

    Communicates serious ideas in a deceptively simple way--how we need to be permeable and appreciate "we are all one." 

    Nicholas Tamble (11/17/2007 7:16:55 PM)

    Absolutely Wonderful...a message for ALL - lets raise money and use this as public announcement commercials! Air this during the Superbowl > a perfect target market! 

    mohamed Alie jalloh (11/9/2007 7:43:48 AM)


    Tanya Tiger (7/30/2007 9:09:30 AM)

    Very simple but it makes it point. A great video for people who are just starting to look deeper. 

    Lori Ventura (4/27/2007 2:21:46 PM)

    This would be effective for 5 year olds. I found the presentation to be extremely basic. A good message - yes - but for really young or unevolved individuals. As for the usage of Pac Man - I love Pac Man!!! 

    Bridget Hanley (4/20/2007 8:33:37 PM)


    Kristina Delgado (4/20/2007 12:53:52 PM)

    Ah, wonderfully informative, but still maintaing humor...I wish the whole world could see and understanding these truths. 

    cliff mikkelson (4/17/2007 3:26:43 PM)

    I enjoyed this cartoon. In a few minutes it showed that our main problem is having a sense of duality: Me/you, us/them. The world mirrors this attitude such as when the pacman shows his sharp teeth, he sees it in others. The message of this cartoon is that our true self is our universal self; we just need to keep expanding our sense of self. 

    Liz Lovejoy (4/17/2007 12:49:44 AM)

    This is a very simplistic model of interrelationships... perhaps an offering of a starting point in the exploration of self? I tend to dislike violent imagery, even in cartoon form as it reinforces a notion that we can/should react rather than sit back and think through circumstances... look with compassion on what is also true in the moment. I also agree with Ted's opinion below, it isn't innate, it is environmentally influenced. Fine clip, thought provoking ideas. 

    Ian Glenn (4/14/2007 7:09:54 AM)

    Clear simple message with a strong potential impact. Towards the end is became a little unclear what the message was, but it is all tied together well in the end. 

    Ted Howard (4/13/2007 1:22:19 PM)

    Great little movie - only one thing I'd challenge. I don't believe we are born with an identity (at least not in terms of a self awareness). We are born self actuating, but not self aware. Self awareness comes only after we become self actuating in language, and are taught one of the equivalent notions of good/bad or right/wrong. Once our brains have this notion, it is only a matter of time and circumstance until the brain is made "wrong/bad" and to solve that problem declares itself to be something other than what it is. It is that declaration, in language, that creates the duality of being that is "self awareness". It usually happens around 3 years old - not at birth. Other than that minor quibble - great movie!  

    Gayanna Magcosta (4/4/2007 4:46:11 PM)

    Love it. This is such a wonderful illustration of why some people start reacting when they stop growing. 

    Christopher Darnell (1/17/2007 10:15:24 AM)

    Wonderful video! 

    Daniel Perry (1/16/2007 9:30:45 PM)

    Excellent ! Fun ! states so much in a clear manner -- It took me years to learn all that -- smile !  

    Michael Keehan (12/30/2006 11:49:15 AM)


    Fran Kremlick (12/15/2006 5:21:33 AM)

    This is just amazing! It really could have a 10 star rating. When facts that disturb us are put into a humorous pattern they do catch our eye and our minds. Kenji has come up with another winner for a very special purpose. Thank You