1/10,000 of a second
Short Video Video
United States
Kenji Williams
Date Submitted
10/2/2006 6:36:27 PM
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    Marc Veneberg (5/15/2009 9:13:02 AM)

    This definitely promotes the idea of becoming an agent of change and commands you to direct your interests with focus. To often I meander aimlessly and lose sight, get wrapped up in meaningless tasks and a mindset of materialistic consumption. I can do so much more... 

    Camilo Echeverri (2/17/2009 1:31:27 PM)

    A thing to keep in mind every single day... are we going to vegetate in front of a television? are we going to do useless things?. Or are we going to do something useful...change a life. 

    Tina Turner (1/3/2009 9:08:56 AM)

    Fantastic representation of a perspective on the human life that is absolutely necessary for a global mindshift. I have heard many evolutionaries present this story and what I like about this film is that it is a powerful 'sound bite' of this idea and I think sound bites are going to play just as important a role as deep inquiry in ushering in a GMS. The math may be slightly off, the images representing a human lifetime may not resonate with all but the core message is there: humans represent a VERY small portion of the deep time developmental trajectory to date (and by inference we have had a VERY large influence on the planet and consciousness during that time); our individual lives are a virtual nano-second & yet during that blink of an eye we connect with so many, so much that it is truly miraculous; our relationship to our lives is profoundly important. What I also take from this short film and some of the comments below (particularly Alan's) is that we may as a species in fact only be here for a short time ... and so each one of us that has the privilege of being able to watch and understand this clip has an incredible responsibility to use our nano-second lives with as much wakefulness and integrity with life as we can. It is certainly a tall order and I feel the poignancy of the humility required to keep trying, particularly in the face of all the mess-ups & disasters we've caused. 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 3:57:18 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. http://n8trees.centemax.hop.clickbank.net/Click Here! 

    Alan McCrindle (7/10/2008 3:35:27 PM)

    Another way of perceiving this information goes like this - and I know that this runs contrary to your inspiring - lets make a difference - message. But if you don't have a map you will get lost (ps. the maths is wrong: 80 years is equivalent to 5/10,000 second 80/13.7b x 24x60x60 = 5.045/10,000) 1. 99.99% of species that have inhabited earth are extinct 2. Homo-erectus 2.5m years go = 15.8 seconds 3. Homo-sapiens 250,000 years ago = 1.58 seconds 4. Beginning of stable warm climatic period that is the precondition for human flourishing 16,000 years ago = 0.1 sec 5. Human domestication of plants and animals approx 10,000 years ago = 0.06 sec 6. Massive human technological "progress" and resource consumption and tripling of the population that is threatening our existence, last 100 years = 6/10,000s of a second 7. Human induced obesity and chronic diseases epidemic - last 30 years = 2/10,000 second 8. Time since we have invented antibiotics - our great victory against inflammatory disease and proof that we are masters of the universe and western science and medicine is the solution to everything - unfortunately they are nearly useless because bacteria have evolved resistant strains and we are about to have to acknowledge our folly = 65 years = 4/10,000 second 9. Political election cycle - 4 years - .25/10,000 second 10. Quarterly business reporting cycle = 1.57/1000,000 second 11. Apparent window of opportunity to avoid catastrophic climate change - 10 years - 6.3/1000,000 second If you can believe the WWF we are already using more than one planets worth of renewable resources. I almost live the life of a monk and my footprint requires 2 planets according to the footprint web site. Who is going to deny China and India the opportunity to discover the empty promise of a consumer lifestyle and chronic disease? Lets face it - we are a plague species. We have evolutionary design faults and like the other 99.999% of species that have come before us we are destined for extinction. 

    george minns (6/8/2008 12:27:29 PM)

    something to think about. How much time to do the right thing? How much time will it take for people to see? The time is now. 

    Joss T (5/22/2008 10:23:30 PM)

    Wow, this really hits home...On one hand, it kind of makes me feel quite insignificant within the universe, but on the other hand, it makes me realise just how much time I waste within my life, and makes me think that I need to change my ways and start making better use of the relatively short amount of time I have! Thanks for this MEME, I'm certain to share this with many others in my time. 

    Judy Lapointe (4/8/2008 5:15:04 PM)

    I disagree with this film completely. The focus was on getting educated, gain a career, raise a family, these are the very things that have create the world we want to shift. Time is an object that keeps you in your past, with all your past experiences so you can predict what will happen in the future. How can you live life NOW if all focus is on past and present? Education and career is the enemy as far as I'm concerned, although learning is always a great thing but the drive is wrong. While we work in our oil fields (for example) we need to keep that career going by creating a need for something that distroys our world. How can we make changes that are needed if we need to eat every day and the money that we use to eat with comes from careers that generally distroys our world mentally and physically. I believe you should only focus on NOW, only focus on feeling what you want to feel NOW. Giving is one of the best ways to spend NOW, because of the feelings it generates. What would the world look like if we were in business to make sure everyone has enough? What would the world look like if there was no paychecks at the end of the day but you have everything you need because the world is totally focused on YOUR NEEDS. 

    Theresa McGallicher (3/16/2008 9:38:14 AM)


    Henri Laupmaa (3/4/2008 12:51:32 PM)

    Good timing. 

    Frank Forencich (1/20/2008 7:27:25 PM)

    Very nice! Inspiring and vivid. Keep it coming!  

    Jo Dee Moss (12/3/2007 1:22:03 PM)

    This was good. A good use of the short time used to get the point across. Good selection off music. 

    Jo Dee Moss (12/3/2007 1:18:00 PM)

    This makes you think. I wouldn't say it was too inspiring but for a short video it said what it needed to say. Good job! 

    zoe W. (11/9/2007 1:30:26 PM)

    This video wants to make me DO something with my life! It really shows how short the human life span really is in the grand scheme of things, even though just a day can seem like an eternity. 

    susan london (10/21/2007 4:13:04 PM)

    My god, I thought it was fascinating! Just today, after talking to a sister about our "next life" here on earth, along comes this succinct meditation about the precious decisions we allow oursleves. 

    al medina (10/21/2007 7:59:17 AM)

    Thanks so much. Time is an interesting concept to consider, especially as I focus more on my mortality as I age. Death is just around the corner. What can I do? How can I be? Have I discovered my true identity, after all these decades of seeking it? Have I reached my full potential as soul? Great, provocative video presentation. 

    Sharon Ayres (10/13/2007 12:03:26 PM)

    Inspiring, each individual will respond with the tools for life that they have been using. Hopefully all will awaken to the fact that what has been done has mattered but that what happens NOW is what we will carry into our future; pausing to stop, look, listen and re-consider what we do in our small flash of life. 

    Kern Beare (10/6/2007 5:47:51 PM)


    luis lim (10/3/2007 2:13:39 PM)

    loved it 

    Joe Wilkinson (7/31/2007 12:19:05 PM)

    If I look deeply at this message, fear ceases. The Universe is evolving, and even if it is doing so through me, I can only distract it minutely in time. This film reminded me of the Universality of all things, and the magnitude of my participation in it, while bringing me a sense of peace that all is perfect in its relationship to everything else. 

    Gloria S (5/16/2007 6:44:38 PM)

    Whoa! Does indeed make one stop and consider. LOVED the druming, totally. gloria 

    Nyanasanti Bhikkhu (5/15/2007 1:09:37 AM)


    James Duggan (5/1/2007 7:05:39 AM)

    This was very inspiring. I plan to show my school staff this video at our meeting today. We truly can make a differnce if we set our mind to it and act. 

    Lori Ventura (4/27/2007 2:12:24 PM)

    I am not a big believer in the entire concept of a man made construct. Nonetheless, I found the presentation to be effective to promote others to consider what they do in this space called life. 

    Ian Glenn (4/14/2007 8:00:54 AM)

    Great little factoid to consider. 

    Miriam Kurland (4/13/2007 3:10:15 PM)

    Very nice way to capture and visualize the concept. Life's too short and too important to take for granted. It's time to focus on what's truly real and authentic. 

    Gayanna Magcosta (4/4/2007 4:40:35 PM)

    Loved the visuals and the pace. However, I'm not sure what the filmmaker is trying to say about time. Do we have too much? Not enough? Aren't managing it well enough? I'm just lost in trying to determine the message. 

    Pim (2/4/2007 10:43:17 AM)


    Michael Keehan (12/30/2006 11:46:12 AM)


    william lawson (12/26/2006 5:35:21 AM)

    Reptilian.;-) embecilac..more outmoded advice from obsoletists..the best advice comes from within the idividual.. behind the ego driven maniac who, in this day, age and place, N. America, has far too much to say and too much control over matters beyond their abilities..mindshift via meditation is the only valid subjective vehicle of change..promote meditation..avoid pronouncements from demigogues..seek validation from the spirit mind..over mind, shift gears..leave ego ideals their pastures of analogous bush beating.lol..any fool can do that..and i just proved it..lol. 

    Maynard Keenan (12/21/2006 1:31:49 AM)

    Kenji's vision on time was a waste of time. The theme has been played out so much that even Nike advertises it "Just do it". I did like the music though. 

    Joe (10/25/2006 6:57:06 AM)

    Kenji's music, vison, heart and soul is always evident in all he does, this brings the preceptive of time to immediacy!!! Think it, do it, just Be It!!