Self Interest
Short Video Video
United States
Jason Ables
Date Submitted
10/2/2006 9:42:15 PM
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Self Interest

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    Viviane Busch (7/24/2009 7:03:42 AM)

    As an advertising for global mindshift it's... ok. But it still is a little bit weird... there is something missing. Like: Voice your opinion on! or something like that or Help create a better future! or anything like that. Or something that tells you what the idea behind this clip is because the humor within the clip is a little bit confusing. 

    white raven (4/3/2009 3:25:50 AM)


    Paul H (12/10/2008 6:04:16 PM)

    Good idea? I don't understand... Let's think together... Man falls from somewhere... and that is self- The world falls from somewhere.. and that is where interest should lie? Yes, I agree... I don't get it, this clip must have been for the artsy global thinkers, not for the non global thinkers to become global thinkers 

    searching for way t (5/24/2008 8:34:39 AM)

    I'll admin it, I didn't really get the symbolism of the animation. However, I know from personal experience that self-interest is not just an anti-social concept for the self-absorbed. It is by observing our self-interest that we can find our true needs - and our true talents and aspirations. These may differ greatly from our initial idea about what is good for ouselves. When we acknowledge these and live accordingly, we will be happier, more true to ourselves - and better able to help others achieve the same. What it ultimately comes down to is that people who lead a happy live and treat themselves well are not usually the ones harming others. 

    Shade Law RScP Founder of X~Ray Your Soul~1 (5/1/2008 10:04:38 AM)

    What an awesome outlook you have Sir!!! It's about time one made the connection to being happy with ones self in order to serve others well. Thank you for being YOU! Awesome! 

    gene hubbard (3/1/2008 3:30:54 PM)

    You have to know what first interests youself. Those putting down self interest carte blanche are, to me, missing the point. Once defining "your self",you are in a better position to set realistic goals of true interest to you and your planned activities. Take global mind shifting for example. When you uncover an aspect of that global goal that really "turns you on",use your self interest to join like souls with the same fire of self interest. Then, as they say,"Watch What Happens! 

    Dee Dee Ponce (12/18/2007 11:38:44 PM)


    Gabriela Trofin (5/13/2007 1:27:10 AM)

    Change your mind so that you can be more open-minded, that is. I loved this tiny video! Really cute and meaningful! 

    Christina McCann (4/23/2007 8:08:56 AM)

    Simply stated, with great impact on the viewer! 

    Rui Pereira (4/14/2007 8:27:51 AM)

    If everyone puts their own self interest in the world, then in a very near future, we are going to have difficulties to come up with something that works for all. Is there a practical solution? 

    Ian Glenn (4/14/2007 8:12:46 AM)

    No real purpose, just an elaborate way of stating two words. Maybe I just didn't get it, but it seemed pretty empty to me. 

    Florin Tofan (12/8/2006 2:35:28 AM)

    Oh, man... if my world would be such a small place like in the vidio...I`ll probably be the only one on the planet... I`ll beter go to change my mind fast... I really don`t whant to end up like that... :)