Global Mind Change
Short Video Video
United States
Sharif Ezzat
Date Submitted
10/2/2006 9:52:52 PM
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Global Mind Change

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    Marc Veneberg (5/31/2009 5:00:43 PM)

    Very well done. I would also like to stress that human rights and a culture of peace are complementary: whenever war and violence dominate, there is no possibility to ensure human rights; at the same time, without human rights, in all their dimensions, there can be no culture of peace. 

    Mitch M (5/5/2009 9:41:22 AM)

    There is at least one underlying factor of changing a problem to a solution. Dust bunnies to vacuums, infections to penicillin, mind sets to MindShifts, the [in]security of clans to the inclusive responsibility to secure all... as ONE. I wonder how far must we recklessly descend this slippery slope before we decide to put on our no-slip work boots. One solution is 'WILL'. Willing to WILL ourselves to see and act as ONE, preserving the integrity to continue upwards and reaching more than basic national security. 

    Harold Barre (3/11/2009 9:27:08 AM)

    Basic to global mind change is not so much changing the mind as using it the right. We know how to access more of it's 50 megahertz speed that's a million times the conscious mind, it's extremely objective vision logic and in turn our compassion. Whole brain thinking has all those elements we’ve always said we needed to change the world. The basic task then is to make this information available free to the world and anyone who wants to learn it and pass it on can do it, if we have a website to put the information on and link to other sites doing similar work. I’m up to getting started. I think that you will soon find that we are not alone and can link with everyone else on this same mission. I’m available at:  

    Ted Millich (1/6/2009 7:43:59 AM)

    I agree that all our problems are related, and related to our thinking. I don't think we need to change our opinions. We all really want peace and a clean environment, etc. The problems is power and how decisions are made. Well, there's a SOLUTION!! It's called Dynamic Self-Governance (DSG), or sociocracy. It is a method of making decisions together, and, indeed, structuring a whole organization - any kind - so that power is distributed, people's creativity comes out, and better decisions are made. I'm making a documentary about it. Check out my website at  

    JR Stoutley (11/16/2008 7:54:32 AM)

    "There is no solution to one problem without a solution to them all together." This statement can be overwhelming at first glance, but to be it summarized the whole thing in one statement. For example, would one think that a mother who is working three jobs, just to pay the rent and hopefully feed her children and herself, along with coming home and dealing with the stresses of daily life outside of work really has time to come home and worry about national security. No, her number one focus is survival, with all respect this woman would not have time "waste" focusing on anything that has nothing to do with her immediate survival. This is how poverty stifles the minds of some of our brightest minds and potential great problem solvers. Now take this very same woman, give her the chance to go to college, maybe even government aid because she is trying to make a better life for herself. Once she graduates and is able to provide a better life for her children and herself, she is now able to focus on helping the next person solve their problems. People its a chain reaction. We start from the bottom and work our way through. Once we help out those in poverty, the crime rate will drop, which has been proved through our various economic up and down swings. When the economy is up crime drops. Periods when the economy is in a lull, people get desperate and crime goes up. But along with being able to have a resource pool of newly educated people comes ideas which creates jobs, new visions for the leadership of our cities, states, and nations. There are many people whom i know personally whose sole concern is survival, but they have ideas, great ideas, ideas that if they had the education and the money would most likely be the next great invention, ideas that if they were able to run and be elected in government would change the world. But what we are stuck with is an unofficial Aristocracy, a select closed minded few who make decisions for millions of people who dont even agree with them. That are willing to help out a billionaire bankers with billion dollar bailouts, but wont even buy a meal for that same hungry woman mentioned earlier. Until we fix the problems like these and open up our minds, we will never solve the problems of global warming because some energy company is sending lobbyist to DC to at least slow the process of moving to clean energy sources so now the senator, congressman, president or whoever can squeeze a few more dollars out of an outdated, damaging system. Its the same principle with national security. Until EVERYONE is represented equally rich and poor and minds are opened up to learn from instead of try to destroy and de-humanize anyone who does not see exactly eye to eye with them. Not one of these problems will be solved. There fore one simple thing, the opening of our minds and the acceptance of ideas other than our own is the key to fixing many of the worlds problems one step at a time.  

    Tom Schuessler (10/2/2008 4:42:35 PM)

    Louise Grana ... what exactly did that comment add to the subject matter? 

    Louise Grana (8/18/2008 6:45:47 PM)


    Lilia Patricia S (7/5/2008 4:59:39 PM)

    “There is no solution to one problem without a solution to them all together” This statement is confusing to me. I feel that if we start solving problems one by one, we will be able to solve all of them, may be not at once, because of the interconnectedness and interrelationship among things. Yes, we are facing all these global issues but they cannot be solved at a global level because they were created at a local level based on specific needs and wants of the individual, society and or nation. Therefore, we need to go back to the root of the problem to solve it. I think that the first mindshift needs to happen on the individual. We, individuals, need to become more present, inclusive and responsible with our thoughts and actions to make the right choices for our sake and the sake of others and for the benefit of the large community and the world. We know that everything is interconnected and interrelated, so every individual thought and action affects everyone else at a point in time. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to express my thoughts.  

    Patricia San Jose-Lacerna (5/21/2008 3:12:32 PM)

    I agree that the approach to our problematic situation is not partial, but whole. The fact of interdependence is made very clear. I agree too that mind change is a necessary step toward change. For me, this means I have to expand my cultural worldview to include global worldview. At the same time, increase my compassion. These two notions are what I got from this meme. Again, as in Crash or Bounce, it is too general a presentation. What mind change do you really mean? It has one advantage though - start a discussion on what mind change is and of course, many answers will emerge, which will be interesting.  

    Arthur Calbo (3/17/2008 2:19:27 PM)

    Hmm, nice video, nice technique. "One fundamental global mind change"? Dangerous stuff there, I agree with the "fundamental part" though. What is this mind change? I hope it is not "new order through chaos"  

    The Uni-v.e.r.s.e. (3/17/2008 1:45:20 PM)

    For a true mind change, read Zonpower. 

    Tom Schuessler (3/4/2008 3:26:46 PM)

    It's difficult enVISIONing positive change when the country that SHOULD be the beacon of change, America, with its vast resources, innovations and innate leadership potential, has been taken over by a cabal of Thieves, Murderers, international criminals. Augmented by a 2000 year old religious mythology of the most Fundamentalist persuasion, zombied out by endless TV drivel and a propaganda machine so controlling and subliminally overt that Goebbels would stand in AWE, we have a population that is seemingly INCAPABLE of grasping the severity of the Global situation to which we are by far the greatest contributers. When a nation steals and squanders vast amounts of resources, spends a trillion $$$ a year on its military (international murder) to secure its greed and standard of living, sabotages efforts at birth control, debunks global warming, destroys its own public education system, and turns its own citizens into fearful, compliant complicit zombies that are incapable of offering more that a SQUEAK of protest about what is being done in their name ... its difficult to see the seeds of a positive future sprouting. My God, we can't seem to see WHY THEY HATE U.S. ... and that Terrorism is the only recourse of resistance, when a totally deaf ear is turned to people expressing discontent. It is of utmost importance to keep up the charade that the U.S. did absolutely NOTHING to earn the hatred/terrorism that is turned our way. As jaded as I am, I'm STILL convinced that if we treated others on the planet with RESPECT and KINDNESS, used those before-mentioned positive attributes to HELP the vast number of have-nots of this planet, we might just make it to a viable and sustainable future. Peace/Out Tom S. 

    gene hubbard (2/25/2008 2:04:19 PM)

    In the process of global mind transformation, one should not forget the longtime Boy Scout mantra, "Be Prepared." Failing to give your best "due diligence" efforts in researching your point of view not only alienates your audience but can give you personal dissapointment in your efforts to persuade.Spend the time and effort in learning before speaking out. One far wiser than I once held that the wisdom of the world is held in books, read by few, understood by fewer, and acted upon by the few that read and understand. Books, not a bad place to begin a global mind shift. 

    gene hubbard (2/24/2008 2:53:08 PM)

    Global Mind Change requires a strong desire to change from traditional to innovative thinking outside the box of any one nation's interests. In business borders should not be deliniated. Alleged "national protectivism" along the lines of the Monroe Doctrine just won't hack it. Instead of a loud hue and cry against "outsourcing" countries should determine their products to outsource In that way, the global financial world will strongly benefit from the best of all possible vendors of goods and services.Let's toast global minds in business who support positive global business change. 

    margo buccini (1/24/2008 3:44:58 AM)

    That is a really valid point. It is a starting point. After our minds have been educated to some form of clarity, we need the courage to act on our beliefs. Being proactive, sometimes we have to go out of our comfort zone and make some kind of statement if there is an injustice being committed. "The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Let's act on our beliefs with energy and conviction! 

    Raoul Menzel (1/4/2008 11:15:44 AM)

    this is a really good starting point, but i believe there are more than 3 dimensions ... 

    Linda Patterson (12/23/2007 2:44:08 PM)

    I loved it because it raises the important question mentioned in a review on 11/16/06 below: "The problem is coming up with a solution that addresses the three dimensions." My first attempt at answering that is to remember Einstein's advice that to solve a problem you need a different mind-set than the one which created it. It may sound like circular reasoning, but maybe the three dimensions would be addressed if people "changed their minds" realising the need for different values, that their well-being really depends on the well-being of others and the earth. Then it would "follow as the night the day" that we would enthusiastically tackle arms control, conflict resolution, redistribution of wealth, conservation of resources, etc. Of course specific problems would need specific attention, as they they always do, but with an inclusive identity, priorities would change and energy, ours and the earth's, would be allocated more appropriately. The change isn't easy because we're so implicated in the old system, but with a will, which is growing, we can do it. 

    Ellen Fraser (11/11/2007 11:35:34 AM)


    Mina J (11/2/2007 11:29:51 AM)

    I'm with Jason too 

    Jason S (10/7/2007 9:47:47 PM)

    Reminds me of communism. Great on paper, but in practice, it does not work like it should. If we took a look at all the problems and decided to change something that would affect them all, we would have no penicillin, no light bulbs, no internet, no Global Mind Change. Why? Because each of these solutions deals with a specific or several specific problems - but not all of the problems. And yet how much change have each of these inventions created in our world? Countless lives have been changed through inventions that were created to deal with specific problems. 

    Donna S (10/3/2007 7:32:59 PM)

    I second that e-motion! Thank you! 

    Vakaris Vaitkunas (8/1/2007 2:55:53 PM)


    Rui Pereira (4/14/2007 8:25:46 AM)

    What does this mean practically? I see no solution... In a world rampantly giving out the chance for people to explore their own way of living, believing, seeing the world, I wonder how is is going to be possible in a very near future to talk among each ourselves about what the solution is about. What if your solution doesn´t work for me? Am I having freedom of expressing myself? If so, then what you offer is not workable for me... even if I change my mind to your mindset, there will be loads of people not wanting their mind changed. Loads of people born with different mindsets. So, practically, what does this involve? There is a great missing in here. 

    Joseph Bernard (3/9/2007 9:27:43 AM)

    I so much value the work that goes into all your productions. The global mind shift starts with consciousness and awareness. These visual masterpieces you have created expand consciousness and awareness. This expansion needs to keep on happening one person at a time until the collective consciousness becomes so powerful that it becomes the reality for everyone. Joseph at 

    Michael Keehan (12/30/2006 11:42:25 AM)

    Powerful message and I hope it goes broad exposure. Good work!  

    william lawson (12/26/2006 7:22:45 AM)

    Oh great..simply should read what i wrote for two hours previous to this,lol...hoo hoo hot !! So who breaks it to george bush et al ? Not easy to reason with fact.. it's impossible.;-(..oh oh..hes go tthe guns. andbombs.. oh oh..concentration camps.. oh oh.. martyrs..oh oh.. meditate..meditate... meditate.. meditate...count the breath.. count the breath..count the breath.. did i mention meditation ? ego ego ego.. bad news. bad news.. the idiot within.,nasty ego..baaad.. meditation.. gooood ! s'all there.. soons the ego shuts up.. wanders off counting.. simple.. easy.. shunned like plague..?? go figger.?? be ok're true grit..few nut bars wont stop ya..but they'll try. excellent essay ,lol..well said.. hits it right on the head..america's the problem.;) terrorist victims..empire reeks..cause and effect.. screw enough people..things get ugly in the neighborhood..hang em high..bad moon rising for wshington..lamp post highways and by ways..lotta goat carts. for starters..scrapped airliners..baaaad.. peeeyew..yukky..gasp caugh..vomit.. beef .. baaaad... fart.. oh oh.. ozone gone.. rancher getting fat on polluting stock..hullo.. hormones.. mind fucks..steroids.. homos..boobies buddies.. lets ratchet things up a bit eh..what are YOU going to do ? What sacrifices are you going to make to save the planet..yourselves..? what ? cant leave it for the other guy..not this one..its gonna hurt.. i havent owned a car in 2 decades.. what kept ya..??hullo..?? action action..park it. spark it..merry christer day..booo...baaad..lies.. crazy...tsk tsk. priest oh oh..corporate training grounds. skull and bones.. mind.. creates illusion..shut them down..greed riven..see its true..pull one thread.. they all unwind..gonna hurt.. ready ?? go ! 

    Fran Kremlick (12/23/2006 6:22:02 AM)

    This is certainly a clear picture of the problem and how it's connected. Now we need to gather all who are working to solve these points of the problem and begin finding creative answers. Makes so much sense. Thank You. 

    Florin Tofan (12/8/2006 4:33:22 AM)

    I think it`s time to use our creativity of our mind not to create new problems, to solve our problems... we are capable... we play with atoms... why not to chanaling our creative mind for our benefits... so... all started in our power of our distructive actions...why not to build our global mind to eliminate our asume our past actions and bring them to a level that work for our benefits... 

    Bill Mockovak (11/16/2006 3:24:29 PM)

    It's an idea that I've heard presented before. The problem is coming up with a solution that addresses the three dimensions. 

    erin heineman (11/11/2006 4:54:41 PM)

    Beautiful, Simple. clear. strong. Merci. Great voice. 

    Lori Siler (10/24/2006 7:01:20 PM)

    Thank you for this!! I often catch myself thinking "how hard can it be" ... I mean, some things are just obvious, I guess to the point of obscurity. This is a useful reminder that it's not all about "us" unless it's about all of us!! 

    Claire M (10/23/2006 11:08:55 AM)

    A very good and informative piece of video that highlights some things for people to think about. Its therefore not true what people have been telling us all our lives 'to solve a problem you must take it one step at a time' it is infact fundamental to consider all other factors so you solve a little bit at a time in all areas. 

    Ian Stehlik (10/20/2006 6:36:46 PM)

    Short and to the point! 

    Global MindShift Team (10/16/2006 2:15:26 PM)

    Very good perspective. Mind opening. 

    Global MindShift Team (10/16/2006 2:14:47 PM)

    Good but the explanation could be modified a bit. 

    Kris Klise (10/15/2006 2:58:47 PM)

    I agree 100%