The Wombat
Short Video Video
United States
Jason Ables
Date Submitted
10/2/2006 10:03:26 PM
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The Wombat

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    Roux LaRue (1/6/2010 6:05:10 PM)

    Fundamental wisdom in a short, engaging and entertaining video. Highly recommend. 

    Gavin Cherrie (8/21/2009 10:48:12 PM)


    Kellie Brett (3/5/2009 11:17:18 PM)

    We use this video in our Pachamama symposium (Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream) and the crowd ALWAYS love it!!! I have sent this to countless people to spread the word ... this is brilliant, fun, and fast. Thank you. 

    Karen Haynes (10/10/2008 7:33:01 AM)

    I first saw this wombat piece during an Awakening the Dreamer symposium. I think it is fantastic, delightful, succinct, dramatic, deliciously low budget and beyond catchy. It occurred to me that one of the key ideas the symposium lays out (among many) is that so many organizations are devoted to common themes, and thus, we (the royal "we" here) should contact them and propose that each organization, of the many hundreds of thousands or more, contribute $1.00 to get this meme a place at the Superbowl roster!! 

    Carol Lee Smith (9/14/2008 8:37:52 PM)

    Totally touched my heart - and my funny bone! I can't wait to share it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creative talent! 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 4:09:00 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. Here! 

    Pebble I (7/25/2008 5:38:36 AM)

    Thoroughly enjoyed the video, and have used it as a education tool for adults and children. The aspect I appreciate most is the simplicity and truth of the message. My one wish is that it would include not just different cultures of people, but different sexualities. As an secondary educator, I find students open to different cultures, but some continue to be adverse (or just pay lip service) to different sexualities. In all, I'm very thankful for such an interesting form for such an important message. 

    Raquel Torrent (6/11/2008 5:42:20 PM)

    It is great. It's been lovely to see an animal (that many many times are smarter than humans) remind me something which is 100% true and it has been presented so clear, direct and short that I can recall easily at all times. I reckon I'm just like a child in heart,so may be that's why I like it so much:-) 

    Joss T (5/22/2008 5:32:47 PM)

    I love it! This is a really cool meme, nice job! 

    Linda S (4/25/2008 1:02:33 PM)

    Dear Movie Maker, We really liked the movie that you made called "The Wombat". Here are some reasons why we enjoyed watching it at school with my teacher, Ms. Slater-Gilbert, and Mr. Peter. The funniest part is that you said the tacos are the same as people, and that is a funny notion. Our class also appreciated when the Wombat said that "we're all one, and we only have one planet, and not two planets, and not three, because it's true. 

    Linda S (3/16/2008 5:06:13 PM)


    Linda S (3/16/2008 5:06:08 PM)

    I've used this meme in a variety of an educator of young children in LAUSD; as an educator of parents at LAUSD; as a colleague to colleague at LAUSD; as part of my virtual resume 

    Theresa McGallicher (3/16/2008 9:03:34 AM)

    My favorite video clip EVER! 

    Deborah Dols (1/23/2008 4:16:33 PM)

    Nice work, Jason! 

    Deborah Dols (1/23/2008 4:16:24 PM)

    Nice work, Jason! 

    Raoul Menzel (1/5/2008 5:05:51 AM)

    Neat, simple and profound. Sometimes uncomplicated is best! 

    simon sharp (12/22/2007 7:01:47 PM)

    They have a principle in aikido which is that you never get past the basics. 7th Dan black belts still practice the 'tai no henko' that white belt fresh faces do on their first lesson because it keeps reinforcing the fundamental principle of 'enter and blend'. Those who think they're 'beyond' the fundamental message of this clip are already forgetting what they're doing. You DO NOT know this. You need to spend your life KNOWING this - that which can, at the same time be summed up in a silly little cartoon. its a strange thing indeed.  

    vincent mcalinden (11/20/2007 7:41:40 AM)

    Jason, this is brilliant. From 8yrs old to 60yr olds, theyve all found this quite inspiring. Nice one. One thought though, can you save memes for viewing when you are offline? 

    Nicholas Tamble (11/17/2007 7:00:09 PM)

    Concise...afraid to say that people who need to see this are probably not privy to a site as this...yet?!? 

    Pat P (11/15/2007 7:14:44 AM)

    Wonderful! Wonderful! 

    Theresa McGallicher (11/9/2007 7:17:08 AM)

    Love it! Love it! 

    kathryn king (11/8/2007 9:30:09 PM)

    The most creative piece of social comment I've ever encountered! 

    joseph sholders (11/8/2007 11:24:46 AM)


    Julie A (11/8/2007 5:46:52 AM)


    Lottie Lodge (10/4/2007 11:31:27 AM)

    I laughed so much! I saw this for the first time at a Pacha Mama "Change the Dream" conference here in Swansea, Wales, UK. :) Love it. 

    Sharon Ayres (10/3/2007 3:41:26 PM)

    I love the Wombat, I love his creator for having such a wonderful way of expressing in a 1, 2, 3 manner. No unnecessary extras here, is there anyway we can use him in a subliminal manner? Wombat could help us all better the world! 

    Rebecca Simon (9/27/2007 5:03:23 PM)

    I love it! Simple, clear message, and exactly what everybody needs to know! 

    Celestine Chua (7/7/2007 10:29:53 PM)


    JOHN WIGGIN (5/15/2007 1:23:13 AM)


    alina zulch (4/15/2007 9:46:12 PM)

    I really love this one, it's my favorite!!  

    Gayanna Magcosta (4/4/2007 4:42:44 PM)

    Awesome Jason! You did it again. Straight forward message with fun, compelling, memorable delivery. You, my friend, are one talented guy. 

    Christine Fonyo (12/10/2006 6:51:49 PM)


    Florin Tofan (12/8/2006 2:52:13 AM)

    ... the esence of life... we have only one big home, let`s make it: Home sweet home... 

    Kathryn Alexander (11/25/2006 5:15:32 PM)

    Neat, simple and profound. Somethimes uncomplicated is best! 

    Joseph Yenkosky (11/15/2006 11:05:28 PM)

    Profound. Genius is sometimes defined as making the complex simple. This is genius in action - witty, short enough for public media use, & releates to children and adults. Does picking a herbivorial marsupial has a deeper meaning? 

    erin heineman (11/11/2006 4:47:45 PM)

    Bravo! Merci! Concise and clear and funny. Good-looking too. Good sound. Best wishes for immense dissemination. Erin 

    Charlie Koenen (11/9/2006 7:07:55 PM)

    Pick the wombat up and take him for a walk... through your addressbook.... send him off to all your friends today... its never been a better time to revisit his message. namasté 

    Michael Whitmire (10/25/2006 1:25:07 PM)


    Santi Palacios (10/23/2006 7:04:33 AM)

    LOVD IT! 

    Fran Kremlick (10/13/2006 5:16:36 AM)

    This is one to send around to friends! It's quick, interesting, and hard to ignore, even if you gave that some thought! CHEERS! Fran in Kalamazoo 

    Caly Lam (10/12/2006 11:26:37 PM)

    Funny and right to the point! Kudos!