Planet of Peril, Planet of Promise
Short Video Video
United States
Jason Ables
Date Submitted
10/2/2006 11:31:03 PM
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Planet of Peril, Planet of Promise

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    Marlene Safronovitz (1/15/2009 4:58:12 AM)

    It is up to us all, one by one and collectively to educate young people about conservation of all species, the interconnectedness of all living things is such an awesome concept, we have to convey this to our children. It is hope that will pull us forward, our ancestors had different problems but if you read Charles Dickens (yes! he is still relevant today!) you will see social problems existed then and still do now, we have just exchanged one set of problems for another set... 

    AnnaMarie Thomas (11/11/2008 11:07:00 AM)

    Great perspective that I think we (cough cough, I) often forget. Let's all pull up our pants. 

    Carol Lee Smith (9/14/2008 8:45:18 PM)

    Another great tool for reaching others - with a soft approach. 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 3:53:45 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. Here! 

    Matthew Nash (4/28/2008 1:39:53 AM)

    It was good but... The biggest reason that there are so many problems in the world is THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. That problem is one that unfortunately never be solved unless there are more natural distasters(in countries guilty of the most pollution such as China, the US and India)and more diseases that we can't cure such as AIDS and cancer. The reality of the situation is that the earth is dying and while it's always....nice to be positive about some things, you have to face up to the fact that in less than 100 years, humans will no longer be able to survive thanks to our own greed and need for electricity. Sorry but that's reality! 

    Raoul Menzel (1/5/2008 5:13:08 AM)

    lets pull up our pants.. 

    Robert Canino (12/14/2007 7:10:32 PM)


    Cherie Wilson (12/10/2007 6:49:19 PM)

    Our hope is with the young people and many of them are listening, seeing and becoming more aware. It is our responsibility as their elders to keep an open mind and to keep looking for solutions ourselves -- and most of all encouraging them to find new and better ways to do things so THEY don't give up or give in. 

    Pat P (11/15/2007 8:44:19 AM)

    Very inspirational and hopeful! 

    zoe W. (11/9/2007 1:37:10 PM)

    This was a good video and was very informative on environmental issues, but failed to recognize others, such as poverty, wars, etc. The video also says that there is no such thing as slavery anymore, but unfortunately, that is not true for some parts of the world. But maybe that's for a different video. 

    Ankit Singhania (11/1/2007 10:51:02 AM)

    very good i like the idea that one person can make a differnece 

    urick michel (6/18/2007 2:04:11 PM)

    very thoughtfully , provocative ,informative and funny! 

    Harris Pohl (6/13/2007 2:16:39 PM)

    First of all slavery is a problem in and outside of the African continent. Slavery has morphed into ways that are sanitized. E.g. The ghetto youth that has noi perspective to do anything other than McDonald job or the army is a slave. Drug addicted are slaves, mental patients are slaves. The underclass of any country are slaves. There is very little they can do to change their lot. Government like the democrats and republican or liberal and conservatives, or labour or tories, are part OF THE SAME PARTY WITH TWO DEFFERENT WINGS (JUST FOR PROPAGANDA PURPOSES). WE HAVE NO SAY IN ANY OF THE MESS THAT GOES ON. lOOK AT THE eXXON vALDEZ DEBACLE, eXXON HAS NOT PAID YET AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL MESS HAS NOT ABATED. I have a story to share: In Brazil, to open the amazon rain forest and other rainforest states (Mato Grosso) the contractor would send a number of trucks to the northeast and offer work and money to bring peasants to the place where they needed clearing. Once there they would charge people an exorbitant price for food an lodge. Then they would place people in the edge of the circle of the clearing. Then workers would work to the middle clearing in the middle of the clearing circle they would start a fire and they killed many groups of people like that. I have a question: Change whose mind setting? Slaves are found in the native reservations of Canada, US and Mexico where indigenous people have very little protection and have to fight every bureaucracy in order to have a minimum of dignity. Aboriginal communities are battling the religious school mis-treatment legacy. Slavery in another form. Slavery in Haity, Guatemala and recently a New York couple were accused of keeping slaves. So your Meme started with a lie. Second lie: There are people all over the world working on change. Supposedly they are working on changing, but their egos are in they way and they are very ineffective. The effective ones doesn't last very long or are treated with disdain (Ralph Nader). While reading Wealth by Stealth - corporate crime, corporate law and perversion of democracy, one comes to realize that without changing the way business operates we will have no planet, no other species and no quality of life. Is the discussions going in the direction of community building or global dumb down mind washing? It seems to me that it is an attempt to harmonize global thinking in order to facilitate making water into commodity, nature reserves as a pleasure spot for the rich (e.g. ex-patagonia owner buying huge pieces of land in Argentina, or Ted Turner doing the same in the US and Argentina, just to name a few. Yes thjey had a conversation and what is supposed to happen? We don't have time to wait until this young man grows up to make a change. We need to stop the devastation of the environment now. Look what US government is doing in Iraq. Look at this video doesn't make up for real action. Teh amount of time reading messages adn responding is sufficient for spending time doing something more valuable, e.i. stopping the Iraq/Afghanistan war and the war on the poor in your own back yard.  

    Kate Trower (6/6/2007 8:34:15 PM)

    Great job. :) It reminded me (very pleasantly) of Schoolhouse Rock. Have you considered some light instrumental background music or sound effects like the bustle of a crowded school hallway on the other side of the door? 

    Dale Dickins (5/13/2007 12:34:58 AM)

    WOW Jason's proved he's Able to make such a huge difference with a conversation between two people... thanks, this is a very cool message! 

    Dheana Ramsay (5/8/2007 10:06:34 PM)


    Lori Ventura (4/27/2007 2:49:29 PM)


    Lynne Smith (4/17/2007 10:37:32 PM)


    Ian Glenn (4/14/2007 7:16:24 AM)

    This video seems like we should take it on as a mission statement of Global Mindshift. This video is fantastic, with a clear, accessible, and easily comprehended message. This sums it up pretty well. 

    Gayanna Magcosta (4/4/2007 4:29:18 PM)

    Loved it! LOVED it! Well written. Brilliantly directed. And right on the money! 

    James Nemec (3/27/2007 5:14:00 PM)

    It's funny. 

    mike mattern (2/6/2007 2:23:01 PM)

    You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. visit watch a short video clip of beautiful environmental footage and how to do the right thing and make a difference. MM 

    Connie Fredenberg (1/28/2007 12:32:34 PM)

    As a mother and a grandmother I heartily appreciate the humor, the attitude, and the final message. I will share this often. Thanks to and applause for the creator. 

    Jill Griffin (1/6/2007 9:33:48 AM)

    As a person who works with teens, I laughed with this video. As an adult who also worries about the planet, I loved this video. As an evolving human being in mid-life transition who wants to make a difference, I cherish this video. 

    Florin Tofan (12/8/2006 2:24:17 AM)

    In my opinion The vidio isn`t about the problems of the present world, it`s about what heritage we left behind us and a global call for the necesity of a mindshift... We must see our time problems from the perspecive of our future wiew... What do you whant to see 10 years from now?... 

    Bede Nicholson (11/27/2006 2:11:10 AM)

    Humour is always a great way to put accross a message, and this was a great message. Loved it. 

    Charlotte Phillips (11/3/2006 7:47:34 AM)

    Great! Super way to empower young people. As a grandmother, though, I LOVE the punchline! Gotta listen ALL THE WAY to the end. 

    Duane Elgin (10/19/2006 4:37:50 PM)