Who am I? Earth to Life
Short Video Video
United States
Roberto Miller
Date Submitted
10/3/2006 1:28:35 PM
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Who am I? Earth to Life

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    Carolyn Mycue (3/4/2009 8:07:14 PM)

    This great video supports an insight I had just two weeks ago: Life cannot look at itís own face in the mirror, thatís why it needed us: so it could look through our eyes and contemplate what it had created. 

    Debbie Eades (5/13/2008 7:50:14 AM)

    This was an interesting article and I learned something new. 

    al medina (10/21/2007 9:18:26 AM)

    I watched all 5 presentations of this series and wish to heartily compliment you, Roberto, on your production. Thank you! Let's see now. . .our Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years. . .light travels about six trillion miles in a year. . .hmmmm, you do the math! Let's reverse the concept of distance to nanometers. . .one billionth of one meter. I suppose, relatively speaking, that the distance from the tip of my big toe to the crown of my head is, relatively speaking, just as distant! Or just as close! I love it when the mind is "cooked" in the heat of dichotomy, paradigm and conceptual suspension. The Indian realizations of time are in the trillions of years, not just 14 billion, the current understanding of science. They also state that we humans have been here all along and that universe is subject to periods of awakening (day) and retirement (sleep), each measured in millions and millions of years. Thank the Lord that we are not the mind! Our true Being is timeless and composed solely of consciousness. Consciousness cannot be measured, detected by any instrument, cannot be killed or injured, and is the very life essence within us, as well as all sentient life. All searching external to ourselves is only to reveal the fact that we need to go "within" to find the answers. The Saints and Masters of old (and of today) all state that Sound preceded light, in the birthing of the universe and that the transcendental current of Sound can only be found within the temple of the human body. Wonderful and awe inspiring, thank you for the fine work on these videos. 

    Irene Poelert (1/5/2007 6:58:14 AM)

    The big perspective (cosmocentric) that is presented in The New Story is so crucial for the evolution of the human consciousness and the actions accordingly. The film gives this big perspective and closes with the human responsibility in it. Beautiful and inspiring! 

    Janos Abel (11/11/2006 3:47:50 PM)

    Life wants to experience existence; and experience it in more abundance. This is the meaning of the talk for me. As Brian pointed it out living things existed quite successfully for billions of years without eyes and ears. So the development of these distance-bridging senses were not needed for mere survival. Life seems to have a lust for more and deeper appreciation of its environment. Our curiosity about the world and our desire to know it more intimately is then not just a human characteristic but a primordial urge, handed down to us, to grow and expand .