Who am I? Life to Human
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United States
Roberto Miller
Date Submitted
10/3/2006 1:40:24 PM
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Who am I? Life to Human

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    Robert Burnett (9/13/2008 10:23:16 AM)

    Well written, but we have to consider earth is in the fourth human cycle, so the previous three, have not even been recognised or recorded as an existance! Once we reconnect to many, many past lives, we will see that intelligent life retains the basis for our origination and as connected to numerous universes and intelligent creation/design. More on the suject is located at wwww.nextagemission.com Robert Burnett 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 4:01:57 PM)

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    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 3:54:50 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. http://n8trees.centemax.hop.clickbank.net/Click Here! 

    Judy Lapointe (4/8/2008 5:30:18 PM)

    amazing graphics, looks very much like this new 3D technology I was introduced to recently. Good stuff Judy 

    Richard L (10/18/2007 12:47:24 PM)

    I think this series is along the lines of what Carl Sagan was talking about when he envisioned a new religion/mythology based upon the understanding that science has given us about who we are, what the universe is and our place in it. I have shared this with my children who are sharing it amongst their friends in school. Excellent series, long overdue. 

    jacq surname (6/15/2007 11:20:13 AM)

    Excellent series! I want to see more...  

    Maynard Keenan (12/21/2006 1:18:08 AM)

    I really enjoyed it and agree with most of what was said. There was, however, one major problem with it. First, the question has to be posed "Are we actually benefiting from passed on "knowledge"". For instance, if some idea has been believed for generations, that doesn't mean that it is correct. Witchcraft, ritual sacrifice, slavery, etc. All of this information has been passed down from various cultures to the next and has had a detrimental effect upon the victims and others within the groups. Yet if you were born in that particular culture you would have been taught by everyone around you that these atrocities were actually good things. It would be taught as a given just as the egocentric version of the universe was. Therefore, we never know what information we received from the past is true or false. You might argue "Yea but now that we have the scientific method" and to that I respond that what happens if the scientific method, that so many people hold dear as their crutch of security, is based on faulty premises. If you have a billion seemingly rational and logical thoughts based on one irrational premise then everything you believed was true is actually false. Therefore, it's most important to figure out what is the underlying truth. You can't understand anything without first understanding that. Ok, well now many of you might be thinking "Yea it's real easy to understand some deep down underlying premise." And that is a valid point. Lets explore the issue more closely. What is our version of "Reality?Ē For some, reality is getting married, buying a house, going to work. Why do we do these things? Because we have needs obviously. Why do we have needs? What if I told you we donít. Thatís right. breathe it in, We do not have needs. Any needs we believe we have are just part of the illogical belief system in which we based our lives upon. REALITY IS ONE GIANT DISTRACTION. Now don't run away when I say that. There is nothing to be scared of. In addition, don't dismiss it as incorrect because it is "too different" from the belief system you now employ. Be brave and keep and open mind. It is composed of change in which dealing with it is a distraction in itself! Society is a paradox based upon an illogical belief. That is why everything in this "Life" appears to be contradictory. This world doesn't make any sense for a reason. It was created not by God but by our own misperceptions in order to delay our "judgment" for an error we tried to create. Since we believed that hiding was better than God's wrath we created this reality (bodies and all) in order to postpone the inevitable. Most importantly we created a paradoxical situation in which we believed we could postpone judgment forever. What is this supposed horrible judgment that God is going to inflict upon us. This devastating blow that he will administer? It is the correction of the original error at its source. Our real eye will truly see once we have given up our resistance to God. We must dismiss this reality of nothingness. Only when we truly perceive ourselves as God's children who have been given everything in accordance with God's will, (peace, love, and joy), will we reunite and all be one together. It's not about the eyes you supposedly developed through evolution of the physical organism, but it's about the eyes you can develop through the evolution of the spiritual being. When I say "evolution of the spiritual being" I refer not to the spirit as needing to evolve, but to the wiping away of irrational thought processes that keep us blind from pure communication with our creator. That is the ONLY thing that matters. With pure perfection as our foundation, and faith in that and nothing else, there is no possible way to view the universe incorrectly.