Crash or Bounce
Short Video Video
United States
Duane Elgin/Global MindShift, Kenji Williams
Date Submitted
10/6/2006 4:41:29 PM
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Crash or Bounce

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    Steven Ruddell (12/14/2009 9:18:18 AM)

    To deepen our understanding of the evolution of human culture and consciousness, read Duane Elgin's enlightening book, Awakening Earth. Also read his new book, The Living Universe. These books provide a detailed context for the transition now underway and support individual and global awakening. 

    Camilo Echeverri (2/17/2009 1:42:07 PM)

    Division is not conquest...on the other hand, the more we pull apart the less of a chance we have to save ourselves and this planet we are part of. 

    nathan Travnick (8/4/2008 4:09:40 PM)

    We encourage you to help other people set-up their own conversions with our information! After all, The more cars we can get running on less fuel, the better for our environment. Here! 

    Marge Carnahan (7/12/2008 11:08:18 AM)

    What is not to love! 

    Patricia San Jose-Lacerna (5/21/2008 2:41:35 PM)

    A simple reminder telling the human community to get their act together - where cooperation is the key to evade earth's cataclysm or end. The presentation presumes viewers are already aware of the world's problems. 

    Suzanne Smith (5/9/2008 2:12:03 PM)

    The video was great, Duane Elgin is a very convincing speaker. I hope there will be more videos on your site by him. I did take a brief look at one of his older books at the Free Library of Philadelphia, PA. 

    John Gelles (5/9/2008 12:41:59 PM)

    In keeping with its message, we might consider a binary rating system to lessen the competitive nuance of a five star rating approach. Skipping the above nit-pick, the monetary system of production that covers nearly all possibilities for reform in every nation (to promote collaboration) is built on taxes -- when it should be built on savings -- (with taxes used only as a last resort to prevent or defeat hyperinflation). If we admitted the truth -- that we can financially afford whatever we can produce, over the long run -- we would want to pay for the jobs and wages that bring to life the Second Bill of Rights (for which WW II was fought to prevent WW III, IV, etc.) FDR spoke these economic rights to Congress and the people of the world on 11 January 1944. The rights are to make a living and enjoy it too. Search the net to read it or see The simple fact that we do not start from the cradle and continue until retirement with a determination to help everyone learn to make a living is simply awful. College should not be the ticket to life. Workers should be earning a very good living early and learning should be life-long. The disparity between everyone's good living and the rare person of great wealth needs a brand new context: we need enormous disparity in performance between all who do music, mathematics, sports, entertainment, politics and business management, etc. Disparity in wealth based on such performance, even disparity based on luck, can be tolerated, accepted, etc., but cannot be worshiped as it is today. It must be seen as no more to be desired that the performance it often mimics. Our desire must be to maximize the MINIMUM standard of living and basically accept wealth, fame and power as something not to be worshiped and NOT to be destroyed where it does more good than harm. Good is done when performance is extraordinary and the surgeon saves a life! There is a role for entrepreneurial genius that should be welcomed the same way we welcome genius in political leadership. We need no brake on wealth -- but cannot let anything but a break on commonwealth, that protects our future and raises the minimum standard of living.  

    R.L. G (12/21/2007 6:13:13 AM)

    another persuasive appeal to wakeup and do what you can to make it better for all of us ............... 

    Jonathan Schwartz (11/8/2007 10:43:18 AM)

    Quality of video was poor. Very, very high level overview. Would be better if it went a bit deeper and started to address how to work towards making changes 

    Katherine Heilig (7/6/2007 11:33:21 AM)

    Great tool for opening the conversation. i will use this and pass it on. 

    Bris Z (5/13/2007 11:10:06 AM)

    I like the simple way of explaining the problems without blaiming or be to harsh, obviously there are lot of detailes are involved and the situation is beyond the words. My only concern is that the interconnected negative feedback circles could speed up, which is not good. Sound quaility is a bit off. Would it be possible to upload it again in a better format? 

    Dale Dickins (5/12/2007 11:55:24 PM)

    YES.. crash and burn or bounce and belong... simply a matter of choice, or should I say a global shift of mind. I wonder, is it possible that the people who choose to bounce soften the blow if the crash and burners insist on crashing? There could be little pockets of bouncing patches that provide enough space for the whole planet to spring off the wall. Love the visuals with the dialogue, definitely stimulates a shift in thinking. Is this the first of a series? 

    Rui Pereira (4/14/2007 8:35:44 AM)

    Sooooo easy to say and present.. so easy, but most of the world poppulation has less than 2 dolares a day to live. Are you living in the same world as them? I guess you have to come down from your pedestal of telling how the world is and see real what it is about. Go and check the slums of the third world cities and tell them about global warming and see what the response is. You are living in a great illusion and hope God lead you to higher understandings which doesn´t put you in a place where you glorify yourself as a visionary but glorify Him! 

    A Z (4/14/2007 8:06:42 AM)

    One additional point... the act of "working together," in and of itself, is a worthy, rewarding and wise action... regardless of the outcome. 

    Natalie G (4/1/2007 2:17:38 PM)


    Emilie Aloha Lauran (1/20/2007 12:21:16 PM)

    Mixed review ... I really love this video and I want to send it out to as many people as I can. But, I hesitate, because the sound quality on this particular piece seems a bit off. There is a static-y, crackling sound that is very distracting to the overall presentation. Perhaps it is my (brand new) computer, but I think it would be worth have a look-see to make sure. Thanks again. I am always impressed with the work GMS is doing. Keep up all the excellent transforming media. It's making a difference. 

    Joe (10/25/2006 7:03:52 AM)

    Excellent piece.... Ken Wilber's work really puts alot of the neccessary pieces together... see or 

    Claire M (10/23/2006 11:14:15 AM)

    A very thought provoking piece. I do think we all need to do soemthing about these issues before we 'crash' but HOW? How can we make it a global decission and make people aim for the same? Some are simply too ignorant. 

    Todd Cadle (10/17/2006 5:39:48 AM)

    Wonderful, and thought provoking, something that more and more people need to see. But people will want one question answered "HOW". We most show them how we can create the model that allows everyone to live and posper and be happy. This is the best hope I have seen in years. Namaste to you and us all! Todd St Cloud Florida